Contact Us
Have a question about a home or want to talk about selling yours? Or, if you have any other questions or comments, feel free to e-mail or call using any of the information below. You will get a response as quickly as possible.Kent BrewerRealtor
Phone: (765) 607-4070(765) 607-4070 Direct: (765) 532-5572(765) 532-5572 E-mail: kbrewer192@aol.comMary Holtz
Phone: (765) 607-4070(765) 607-4070 Direct: (765) 532-6901(765) 532-6901 E-mail: anewhome4u@aol.comIndiana Integrity Realtors
2011 Kossuth Street Lafayette, IN 47905 US
Kent Brewer
Indiana Integrity Realtors
Ph: (765) 607-4070
2011 Kossuth Street
Lafayette, IN 47905 US